The town of Warner, Oklahoma is home to two schools - Warner Elementary School and Warner High School. While the elementary school faces some socioeconomic challenges, the high school stands out as a top performer in the state, consistently ranking among the best high schools in Warner.
Warner High School is a 5-star rated school that ranks 6th out of 431 Oklahoma high schools. Its students excel on state assessments, with 68.4% proficient or better in English Language Arts and 36.8% in Mathematics. The school also boasts an impressive 80.1% four-year graduation rate. In contrast, Warner Elementary School, while outperforming the state average in both English and Math, has a high percentage (75.77%) of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, indicating significant economic disadvantage among the student population.
The funding allocation between the two schools also varies, with Warner High School spending significantly more per student ($12,443) compared to the elementary school ($6,571). This disparity in resources may contribute to the high school's standout performance. Overall, the data suggests that Warner has a strong educational system, with a top-performing high school and an elementary school facing socioeconomic challenges, presenting an opportunity for collaboration and alignment to ensure equitable access to high-quality education for all students in the district.
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