The town of Arnett, Oklahoma is home to a single high school, Arnett High School, which serves a small student population of just 45 students. While the school's performance has fluctuated over the years, with its statewide ranking ranging from 87th out of 350 schools to 333rd out of 431 schools, its current rating is a concerning 1 out of 5 stars from SchoolDigger.
Academically, Arnett High School faces significant challenges, with only 23.5% of 11th-grade students proficient or better in English Language Arts and just 5.9% proficient or better in Mathematics. This low academic performance is coupled with a relatively high percentage of students (33.33%) receiving free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a predominantly low-income student population. Despite the school's academic struggles, its spending per student is relatively high at $28,818 for the 2018-2019 school year, suggesting a focus on providing resources and support to the small student body.
The small enrollment and low student-teacher ratio of 5.7 students per teacher at Arnett High School may create a more personalized learning environment, but the impact of this on academic achievement is unclear. Overall, the analysis of this lone high school in Arnett suggests a complex picture, with fluctuating performance, academic challenges, and potential socioeconomic factors influencing the school's outcomes.
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