The data set provided focuses on a single high school, Hardin High School, located in Hardin, Montana. This school serves grades 9-12 and has a student population of 512, with a predominantly Native American (74.61%) demographic. Despite having access to resources, including a relatively low student-teacher ratio of 15.6, Hardin High School is significantly underperforming academically, with proficiency rates in mathematics, reading, and science well below the state averages.
Hardin High School ranks 115 out of 124 high schools in Montana, with a 0-star rating from SchoolDigger. This low ranking is consistent over the past three school years, indicating persistent challenges in providing a high-quality education to its students. The school's high spending per student ($10,972) suggests that resources are available, but they are not translating into strong academic outcomes. The school's demographics, with a very high percentage of Native American students, may present unique cultural and socioeconomic challenges that the school needs to address.
Overall, the data paints a concerning picture of Hardin High School, which is struggling to meet the academic needs of its students. Further investigation would be needed to identify the root causes of the school's underperformance and develop targeted interventions to improve student outcomes and provide a more equitable education for all students in the Hardin community.
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