Taylor Exemplar Academy is the sole elementary school located in Taylor, Michigan, serving grades K-8 with a total enrollment of 695 students. This public charter school has a diverse student population, with over 50% African American, 24% White, 9% Hispanic, and 4% Asian students. However, the school faces significant academic challenges, with proficiency rates consistently below state averages, particularly in math and science.
The school's high chronic absenteeism rate of 38.3% is a major concern, likely contributing to the low academic performance. Additionally, with 77.55% of students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch, Taylor Exemplar Academy serves a predominantly low-income student population, which may present additional socioeconomic barriers to student success.
While the school's diverse student body could be an asset, the data suggests that Taylor Exemplar Academy is struggling to effectively serve its students. Addressing the school's attendance issues, improving academic instruction, and implementing strategies to support the diverse, low-income population should be priorities for the school and district leadership.
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