The School City of Hammond in Indiana is home to two high schools: Hammond Central High School and Morton Senior High School. Both schools serve predominantly disadvantaged student populations, with high percentages of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch and struggling with low academic performance and high chronic absenteeism rates.
While Hammond Central High School has a more diverse student body, with higher percentages of Hispanic and African American students, Morton Senior High School has a higher percentage of white students. However, both schools perform poorly on standardized tests, with proficiency rates well below the state average. Hammond Central High School had a 78.6% four-year graduation rate in 2022-2023, while Morton Senior High School had a 73.2% four-year graduation rate.
The data suggests that the School City of Hammond as a district faces significant challenges in providing quality education to its students. Addressing the academic and socioeconomic disparities observed in these schools will require a comprehensive, data-driven approach that targets the root causes of the educational inequities within the district.
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