There is only one elementary school located in Academia Antonia Alonso, a public charter school serving grades K-7 in Newark, Delaware. Academia Antonia Alonso has a total enrollment of 718 students, with a predominantly Hispanic student population (82.17%).
Based on the available data, Academia Antonia Alonso appears to be a struggling school, with consistently low test scores and a declining state ranking over the past three years. The school's Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) scores in English Language Arts and Mathematics are significantly lower than the state averages across all grade levels, and its performance in Science is also well below the state average. Additionally, the school has a high chronic absenteeism rate of 27.3%, which may be contributing to its academic challenges.
Despite higher-than-average spending per student ($13,286 in 2018-2019), the school's resources do not seem to be effectively utilized to improve student outcomes. The school's statewide ranking has declined from 93rd out of 104 Delaware elementary schools in 2021-2022 to 101st out of 106 in 2023-2024, and it is currently rated 0 out of 5 stars by Academia Antonia Alonso. The school's demographic challenges, attendance concerns, and ineffective resource allocation suggest that significant improvements are needed to provide a high-quality education for its students.
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