The Redding STEM Academy, the sole elementary school in the Redding STEM Academy District, serves grades K-8 and offers a unique educational model within the district. While the school's statewide ranking has fluctuated over the past three years, its academic performance on standardized assessments varies significantly across grade levels and subject areas, with some grades and subjects exceeding the state average and others falling well below.
Redding STEM Academy's proficiency rates in English Language Arts/Literacy range from 34.62% in 3rd grade to 90% in 8th grade, compared to the state averages of 42.8% to 45.95%. In Mathematics, the school's proficiency rates range from 13.64% in 5th grade to 65% in 8th grade, compared to the state averages of 35.02% to 31.57%. In Science, the school's proficiency rates are 27.27% in 5th grade and 70% in 8th grade, compared to the state averages of 32.68% and 28.95%.
With a student population of 245 and a student-teacher ratio of 19.4, Redding STEM Academy faces socioeconomic challenges, as approximately 60% of its students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch. These demographic factors may contribute to the school's uneven academic performance and fluctuating statewide ranking, highlighting the need for targeted interventions and support to ensure all students at Redding STEM Academy have the opportunity to succeed.
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